miosix::MemoryProfiling Class Reference

#include <util.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void print ()
static unsigned int getStackSize ()
static unsigned int getAbsoluteFreeStack ()
static unsigned int getCurrentFreeStack ()
static unsigned int getHeapSize ()
static unsigned int getAbsoluteFreeHeap ()
static unsigned int getCurrentFreeHeap ()

Detailed Description

This class allows to gather memory statistics useful when developing embedded code.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned int miosix::MemoryProfiling::getAbsoluteFreeHeap (  )  [static]

absolute (not current) free heap.
Absolute free heap is the minimum free heap since the program started.
The heap is shared among all threads, therefore this function returns the same value regardless which thread is called in.

unsigned int miosix::MemoryProfiling::getAbsoluteFreeStack (  )  [static]

absolute free stack of current thread.
Absolute free stack is the minimum free stack since the thread was created.

unsigned int miosix::MemoryProfiling::getCurrentFreeHeap (  )  [static]

current free heap.
Current free heap is the free heap at the moment when the this function is called.
The heap is shared among all threads, therefore this function returns the same value regardless which thread is called in.

unsigned int miosix::MemoryProfiling::getCurrentFreeStack (  )  [static]

current free stack of current thread.
Current free stack is the free stack at the moment when the this function is called.

unsigned int miosix::MemoryProfiling::getHeapSize (  )  [static]

heap size which is defined in the linker script.
The heap is shared among all threads, therefore this function returns the same value regardless which thread is called in.

unsigned int miosix::MemoryProfiling::getStackSize (  )  [static]

stack size of current thread.

void miosix::MemoryProfiling::print (  )  [static]

Prints a summary of the information that can be gathered from this class.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Mon Aug 30 00:05:00 2010 for Miosix by  doxygen 1.5.9