Upgrade to gcc 4.5.2

For quite a while it has been in the Miosix documentation the notice that building the kernel is only supported through a patched version of gcc. Every release since Miosix 1.50 contain the scripts to build the compiler in the 'miosix/compiler' folder. However, till Miosix 1.57 the patches were minimal, just a fix to reduce RAM usage, so it was effectively still possible to build the kernel with a normal gcc, such ase CodeSourcery's gcc.
Starting with Miosix 1.58 things changed. The compiler scripts were upgraded to build gcc 4.5.2 and, more important, the patches are now more complex. This means that from Miosix 1.58 onwards the kernel will only compile with the new patched gcc 4.5.2. Even the previous patched gcc is no longer supported.

This has been done because the new patches provide some interesting features: All the user have to do is to eventually uninstall the old version of the arm-miosix-eabi-gcc compiler, and install the new one, information to do so is in the "miosix/compiler/readme.txt" file.